May 5, 2010


If you are laughing at my question, I'll assume one of two things- you've either been gobbled up by the single driven music machine and haven't listened to a complete album recently or can I dare say EVER or you're thinking silly girl, one can only listen to music via a player of some sorts.

If you fit into the first bucket then I feel sorry for you, but I do understand that there are few great albums produced these days and your desire to not give up an hour of your time is understandable. However, if you fall into the second group, let me elaborate.

Ask yourself:
Do you always listen to new music as background noise while making dinner?
Do you always stop by Best Buy and listen on your drive home?
Do you always listen on your iPod while at the gym no matter the genre?

You see where I'm going here? Yes you listen to new music via some device, but is the environment always the same? If so you may be missing out on a great musical experience.

Take for example the last new album I listened to- Court Yard Hounds by Court Yard Hounds. I had heard clips from the project weeks ago and viewed the DVD The Making of Court Yard Hounds (it comes w/ the new CD) prior to listening to the album, so I had an idea what the album would sound like. Consequently, I lit three candles, slipped the disc in my Mac, turned out the lights in my bedroom, put my earplugs in and closed my eyes. In a relaxed, peaceful environment I could fully appreciate the instrumentation and texture of the music with Emily Robinson's lyrical journey dancing around vividly in my head.

Court Yard Hounds: Court Yard Hounds

Do I listen to all albums this way, absolutely not. I can't imagine listening to the latest MGMT project that way, but if you know a little about the album and the artist, changing up the way you listen to new music can be very rewarding!


Meg said...

I actually put my newest albums in my CD player in the car and listen to them start to finish on constant replay for a couple of weeks. I do some of my best thinking in the car, and it also gives me a sense of what mood each song and the album overall will put me in to when I hear it. So when I need motivation at the beginning of the day, or a pick me up at the end, I know which portion of the album will give it to me.