May 22, 2010


Yesterday at the Starbucks located within my office building, I conveniently picked up the latest project from Band of Horses. Once upstairs I put their CD Infinite Arms on and went right to the liner notes. However, I didn't find the traditional booklet of artwork and lyrics. Instead I found a sealed square with a photo of trees about an eighth of an inch thick.

What the heck was this?

I slowly peeled back the sealed area on the end as if I were about to say, "and the award goes to" and just like that 13 square sheets of paper fell to my desk. Random photographs of wooden buildings, a giraffe, various rooms of a house, etc were scattered before me. It was odd, but upon turning the pieces of paper over I discovered each paper represented a song on the album.

On one side of each square was a song title, a line or several lines from that song and some hand drawn artwork that relates to each title. On the other side was a color photograph of an item or scene that also relates to that song.

Some squares, like the song "Laredo" were easy to figure out. You had a hand drawn horseshoe on one side with the lyric "are you having troubles in droves" while the other side showed a photo of a cowboy roping his cattle. However, not all of them were so easy. Take for example the song "Dilly" with the line "it really took a tall one to see it, two to believe it, three to just get in the way" and the number 3 drawn on the one side, with a photo of an old wooden church on the reverse side. I had to find out the meaning of dilly and then listen to the song to put it all together.

Now mind you I didn't do this on company time, but rather it became a side project for today. The cool thing is Band of Horses did something unique. It showcased creativeness and made me listen to the album again, but this time with pieces of paper in my hand.